There are multiple methods of making your natural highlights more noticeable, including spending more time in the sun and using highlight-enhancing products, like certain conditioners and shampoos. If you spend a lot of time indoors, your hair does not get lightened by the sun, which is a natural occurrence, and it may seem like your highlights have disappeared. When spending time in the sun is not enough, try buying a shampoo or conditioning product designed to bring out your natural highlights. For obvious highlights, you may need to turn to an unnatural solution, such as having your hair dyed.
One of the best ways to bring out natural highlights is to spend time in the sun. Let your hair down and enjoy yourself, but remember to wear sunscreen to prevent damaging your skin. You will not notice results immediately, but after a few weeks of spending time outdoors on a regular basis, your hair should be noticeably lighter in some places. The sun can bring out the natural color of your hair, whether it is blond or red. Be careful not to spend too much time outdoors, however, because some people experience excessive lightning of their hair, leaving them with a color they are not happy with.
Some shampoos and conditioners are designed to bring out natural highlights. These products usually enhance or tint your hair just a bit, making your highlights more noticeable. They are available in a range of colors, so choose one closest to your natural hair color. Such products might stain fabrics or skin if spilled or left on too long, so caution should be exercised when using them. Sometimes these products are also used to lessen the visibility of gray hair, but they work best when the user has yet to go completely gray.
If you want very obvious highlights, you may need artificial highlights. A hair stylist can apply highlights that look natural at first glance, but most people do not have such vibrant and noticeable highlights. Most peoples’ natural highlights are subtle, something people would have to actively look for if they wanted to admire them. Highlights applied at a hair salon are usually much more obvious, but they can be expensive and are not permanent, even if permanent dye is used. They can also be applied at home, but they generally look best when applied by someone with experience and know-how when it comes to hair dye.