The best bob hairstyle for thick hair will depend on your hair texture and your facial shape. Bobs can work with a variety of hair textures, but the length and layering will be the determining factor. Almost any bob can work with thick hair as long has it doesn't overwhelm your face with volume.
To determine the shape of your face, take a dry erase marker and trace the outline of your face in a mirror. Compare the outline to an oval, circle, square, or heart shape. Typically, the oval face is slender, but widest at the eyes, with a narrower forehead and chin. A round face is not as elongated as the oval, but the eyes are still the widest part of the face. The square face is equally wide from forehead to the jawline, and the heart shape has a small, delicate chin and a wide forehead.
Thick hair is generally a genetic blessing, but it comes with a few problems, especially if it is wavy or curly. It is often heavy, sometimes causing discomfort or even headaches. Unless it is completely straight, a blunt cut on thick hair often results in an unflattering triangular shaped hairstyle. Using layers and adjusting the length of the hair can solve both issues. Even so, the right cut often depends on facial shape.
The oval face can wear many types of bob hairstyles. A great bob hairstyle for thick hair and an oval shaped face is the pixie style. This extremely short bob shows off the elegant structure of the face and highlights the eyes. This works with wavy or straight hair, but it isn't the best choice for very curly hair. An angled, or inverted, bob cut at chin level or a bit longer, is also a flattering style. For curly hair, the best cut is a jawline bob with side swept bangs.
The square and round face shape have a lot in common. The best bob hairstyle for a square or round face won't add to or accentuate the width of the face. For straight hair, a good cut is a layered bob that ends at the chin. An inverted bob draws too much attention to the shape of the head and face too be attractive.
Parting the hair to the side or adding side swept bangs disguises the roundness of the face. For square faces with delicate features, a layered bob with blunt bangs is cute. A longer bob, ending right above shoulder length, is a good choice for wavy to curly hair. Just make sure the stylist adds a few layers to avoid too much volume.
A heart shaped face usually needs bangs to balance the width of the forehead versus the chin. Almost any style of bangs are flattering, but avoid a style that is too thick because it can accentuate the forehead further. A cut that ends at the chin or is slightly longer will give the illusion of width. Adding some volume with waves or curls will also give balance to the face.