Keeping up with beauty trends requires time spent reading beauty magazines and books. You may also be able to keep up with trends by watching television programs dedicated to beauty and style. The Internet is also a great resource for keeping up with beauty trends. Online, you may find posts from beauty bloggers as well as articles on trends on the websites of online magazines and newspapers. Another way to stay up to date on trends is to visit cosmetics shops.
Subscribing to a magazine that focuses on beauty trends will help you keep up with what is going on in the cosmetics and beauty world. These magazines often feature reviews of new products from editors and writers. Some magazines provide a year-end or monthly roundup of the best trends. Usually, the magazines will publish upcoming trends, such as spring trends in the fall, so that you have time to plan. You can choose to subscribe to a magazine or two or visit a local library and read the magazines there. A lot of print magazines also publish articles on their websites.
Television also provides a way for you follow beauty trends. Some local news shows feature stories on the latest trends or have programming dedicated to beauty and style. There are also cable channels dedicated to beauty and fashion as well as reality television shows that feature people who work in cosmetics or the fashion industry. Some channels feature short segments between commercials and longer programming that shows you how to pull off certain looks or that offers advice on current beauty trends.
Beauty bloggers and other websites help you keep current with trends too. People who write blogs offer a person-on-the-street view of trends so you can see what real people are choosing to do with makeup and fashion at the moment. These blogs and websites also offer tips and advice so that you can try out new trends yourself.
Visiting a store that sells cosmetics is another way to get up to date on trends. You can ask a salesperson at the store for advice on what styles and products are popular at the moment. If your prefer, you can choose to browse the store on your own, taking note of new cosmetics items or colors that seem to appear frequently. For example, if blue is a popular eye shadow color, a lot of different cosmetics companies may offer a blue shadow. At the store, you can take advantage of samples and testers and try the trends out for yourself.