Many people who have oily skin think of it as a disadvantage, but there may be a positive side to it as well. It is possible that some people with oily skin may develop wrinkles and other signs of aging at a slower rate, or note fewer of them overall. A person may also choose to view the moisture on his face as providing a fresh look rather than thinking of it as an annoyance. Likewise, a person might enjoy the fact that having oily skin means he doesn't have to suffer the unpleasant effects of dryness, such as scaling, peeling, cracking, and bleeding. Additionally, some people assert that dry skin is harder and more expensive to treat than oily skin.
One of the benefits of oily skin is that it may not age as quickly or as severely as dry skin. While anyone can develop fine lines and wrinkles, people with oily skin may prove less likely to develop severe wrinkles. These people also may develop wrinkles and lines associated with age later in life as compared to those with very dry skin. As such, some people associate oily skin with the potential for looking young longer. It is important to keep in mind, however, that skin oil may not always have this effect.
Some people include a fresh look among the possible benefits of oily skin. When a person has oily skin, his face often appears a bit moist, and some may even call it vibrant. This can prove in sharp contrast to dry skin that can sometimes appear dull. In many cases, however, the key to looking fresh rather than greasy is using an oil blotter or other products that do not strip the skin of moisture but instead help control it.
Also among the main benefits of oily skin may be the fact that it is the opposite of dry skin. Dry skin is accompanied by a range of unpleasant issues, and many people experience unsightly scaling and peeling as a result of it. Some people also suffer from skin that is so dry it develops sores and bleeds, especially during the winter months. Likewise, it may prove very sensitive to elements such as the wind. Usually, a person with oily skin will not suffer such effects.
Though the topic is debatable, some people argue that the benefits of oily skin include its ease of treatment versus the difficulty of treating dry skin. They assert that there are many inexpensive products for treating oily skin but state that the products made for helping dry skin often prove more expensive. Likewise, some point out that there are medications that help to reduce or control the body's production of sebum, which is the substance responsible for oily skin.