A hand massage is a massage that specifically targets the muscles in the hands. It may be used alone or experienced along with a longer massage that includes the upper back and/or arms, or a full-body massage. This type of massage can be especially useful for people who spend a great deal of time working with their hands, and it can also provide relief for people who spend many hours a day at a computer keyboard.
It is common for massage therapists to use reflexology techniques while performing hand massages. Reflexology is an alternative therapy that relies on the belief that certain points on the feet, hands, and ears correspond to specific organs and areas within the body. According to these principles, applying pressure to specific points on the hands can help to relieve pain and assuage some ailments in the corresponding body parts. Reflexology also promotes general good health and improved circulation throughout the body.
A hand massage is a good alternative for those who are uncomfortable having a full-body massage but would still like to experience the relaxation and health benefits that one can offer. To experience this kind of spa treatment, it is not necessary to remove any articles of clothing unless, for some reason, the person happens to include gloves in her daily attire. Furthermore, the massage can be enjoyed while sitting in a comfortable chair, which is an attractive feature to some people who feel vulnerable while lying down on a massage table.
Some spas include hand massages in their manicure treatments, and it can often be added to a manicure for an additional fee. Furthermore, these kinds of massages are usually available to both male and female clients. Some spas offer them to clients while they are resting with a face mask.
While these massages can be enjoyed at a spa, they are a lovely way to relax at home. Trading massages with a partner can be a very nice way to relax or wind down after a long or stressful day. Hand massages can be enjoyed almost anywhere: at home, while taking a break during the work day, and even while traveling. All that is required is a bit of hand lotion and a partner or friend who is willing to help.