A strawberry facial mask is a type of facial mask made from strawberries, which are considered very good for the skin. Some scientists even claim strawberries may slow the aging process. Other ingredients, like honey and cream, may also be used in this type of facial mask. To make a strawberry mask, strawberries are simply mashed or blended together and applied to the face.
Strawberry facial masks are rich in antioxidants. These antioxidants can help repair some minor skin damage. Some scientists believe the antioxidants in such a mask can make a person's skin look younger.
This fruit contains a compound called salicylic acid, which can help exfoliate the skin. This compound can remove dead skin and shrink pores. Smaller pores will often lead to less pimples, since dirt and bacteria can not get into them as well as larger pores.
Besides strawberries, honey and cream are the most common ingredients added to a strawberry face mask. Both of these substances are good moisturizers, so they would work well on dry skin. Banana can also be added to a homemade face mask for dry skin. Individuals with oily skin, on the other hand, may want to add a beaten egg white.
Making a strawberry facial mask is usually very easy. The stems of the strawberries should be removed first, and the fruit should be rinsed in cold water. All of the facial mask ingredients can then be put into a blender and pureed until smooth. if there is no blender available, the ingredients can be mashed up in a large bowl.
When applying the mask around the eyes, a person should be careful. After about 20 minutes, warm water can be used to rinse away the mask. Any leftover facial mask can be stored in the refrigerator for a short time.
A strawberry facial mask can irritate some people's skin. Individuals with sensitive skin, for instance, may not want to use one. People using these types of face masks are also advised to exercise caution when going out in the sun, since this can cause irritation as well.